An Annual General Meeting of the Scottish Countryside Rangers’ Association will be held at SCRA’s Ranger Rendezvous, Badaguish Outdoor Centre, Aviemore on: Tuesday 2nd November 2021 at 5.00pm
We will endeavour to provide a virtual link to the live meeting so that as many SCRA members can attend as possible. We will provide further details of this closer to the time.
Only paid up Full Ranger Members (including Team Members) and Honorary Members of the Association may vote at the AGM.
If you are unable to attend this AGM, but still wish to vote by email or proxy, please fill out the registration Form A below.
If you would like to nominate someone for SCRA Council, use Form B.
If you would like to submit a motion for consideration at the AGM use Form C.
All completed forms for voting registration, nominations and proposed motions must be received by the Secretary, Kate Elliott, no later than Friday 8th October 2021 by emailing
After this date, only motions considered by the Chair to be of an emergency nature will be accepted.
AGM Agenda (draft) – Click Here
DRAFT AGM Minutes from January 2020 – Click Here
Form A: Email & proxy voting registration form – Click Here
Form B: AGM Nominations form – Click Here
Form C: AGM Motion proposal form – Click Here
A link to SCRA’s OSCR Audited Financial Statement for 2020 (available from 30th Sept 2021) – Click Here
If you have any problems with opening any of the above links, please contact
A final agenda including details of motions for consideration and SCRA Council candidates, as well as the Chair’s Report, and email voting form (for pre-registered email voters) will be sent out by Tuesday 19th October 2021. Email voting forms are due by Tuesday 26th October 2021. Completed email voting forms to be sent to