SCRA promotes the beneficial role Rangers play in managing Scotland’s natural and cultural heritage.
It champions professional standards for Ranger Services and encourages exchange of ideas and experience of Rangers worldwide.
Linking people and place
Rangers work mostly outdoors, managing land and water, including for conservation and recreation.
They provide a link between visitors and local communities, businesses and agencies, farmers, game keepers, foresters, access officers, biodiversity officers, Police Scotland and many others.
They help look after our landscapes and wildlife in National, Regional and Country Parks, National Nature Reserves, forests, coastal areas, estates and urban green spaces, on path networks and Scotland’s Great Trails and other long distance routes.
To illustrate this, Scotland’s Rangers (SCRA 2014) is an illustrated booklet that describes what Scotland’s network of rangers do and how this contributes to achievng the Scottish Government’s priorities; and outlines where they work and who their employers are.
Sharing local knowledge
Rangers work to conserve natural and historical assets and look after visitor facilities.
They use their knowledge and enthusiasm to engage with visitors and communities, encouraging volunteering and promoting healthy lifestyles through outdoor experiences. They work with minority and disadvantaged groups, as well as school groups and junior rangers.
Working in different settings
Around 350 Rangers work for approximately 60 employers in Scotland. Ranger Services are provided by local and national organisations in the public sector and by non-governmental organisations, private landowners and local communities. Common aims are vital to the service and are endorsed by Scottish Natural Heritage, SCRA and major employers.
Delivering priorities
Rangers contribute to delivering national, local and organisational priorities in the Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework, Local Authority Single Outcome Agreements and business plans.
- providing information, education and interpretation for people of all ages and social groups
- developing Ranger skills through continuing professional development and supporting apprentices to gain experience
Stronger and safer
- giving local information on weather and other hazards and supporting mountain and water rescue services
- ensuring visitor provisions are safe and carrying out risk assessments
Wealthier and fairer
- working with people from all sectors of society and encouraging them to visit sites and facilities, and to spend time in the area
- generating income for communities through sustainable green tourism
- using the outdoors to promote well being through involvement with the natural and cultural heritage, relaxation, exercise and volunteering
- managing, enhancing and monitoring natural and historic assets
- helping to deliver Local Biodiversity Action plans and reduce wildlife crime
- encouraging public engagement with wildlife
Working together
The Ranger Development Partnership (RDP)
RDP is a forum of managers of the larger Ranger Services, SCRA and Scottish Natural Heritage, that works to ensure policy on rangers is fit for purpose and to advise on and raise the profile of rangers. Members host the biannual Ranger Rendezvous.
The Europarc Federation
The Europarc Federation brings together protected areas, government departments, NGOs and businesses in 36 countries. Rangers benefit from the exchange of experience, expertise and from collaboration.
International Ranger Federation (IRF)
IRF comprises around 70 associations from 50 countries in 6 continents. It:
- runs a triennial World Congress
- promotes Rangers without Borders
- helps new associations
- organises World Ranger Day, 31 July, #WorldRangerDay
- presents awards for outstanding contributions to rangering and conservation
- raises funds to support families of Rangers killed and injured during their work